>> Improving the reliability of water quality analytical controls
OUR CLIENT'S CHALLENGE - In recent years, Société d’Exploitation des Eaux du Niger (SEEN - Niger water operator), which operates and maintains water engineering structures in Niger, has launched a monitoring program for drinking water quality throughout the country. The operator decided to boost the expertise of their teams in this context, to optimize water quality monitoring.
Over 100 analyses in the field
21 hours of

OFIS' SOLUTION - Registered as a training provider for around 20 years, OFIS contributed to optimizing water quality monitoring at the request of Seureca, by passing on skills:
- Customized training sessions were developed to match the local context;
- SEEN employees were trained in Niamey (production, network and laboratory staff) focusing on the basic concepts of water quality and drinking water network sampling methods;
- Hands-on workshops were organized at sites to allow staff to handle equipment in operating conditions;
- The new knowledge acquired was assessed.
Client benefits
- Ensuring reliable analysis results -
- Improved technical results for teams -
- Standardized techniques at national level -
- All parties are involved (sampling and laboratory staff) -